1 Feb 2015

Woman Born without Womb deliver Twins

                  Doctors said she had  60 per cent chance of pregnancy -when tests came back positive she was ecstatic

Hayles Haynes was born without womb Ovaries or fallopian tube and was told by doctor at age 19 that she is genetically a man having XY chromosomes and that she can would never conceive.
She gave birth to twins at 28 after spending £10,000 for IVF in Cyprus. what happen was truly a hormone  therapy miracle,she name her the two girl  as Avery and Darcey.this was a lady who's biggest fear was she will never have children

                       Nine years after hearing she would never be a mother Mrs Haynes gave birth to Avery and Darcey (pictured)

                      She said: 'Becoming a mother was the single most amazing moment of my life. When I held the babies in my arms for the first time, I was overwhelmed'

                      Proud father Sam Haynes with the couple's beautiful baby twins Avery and Darcey 

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