28 Sept 2014

Saturday Fun Post: What is your Idea of Sexy?

When you say a lady is sexy, what do you mean? What characterises her as being sexy? Is it the way she looks, how big her ass or boobs are, or is it in the way she moves and talks? I would like to know so I can understand the way men rate us in their heads.
For me as a woman, the first thing that attracts me to you is your face. It has to be good looking but not too pretty, I like a man to look like a man. Then next is your body. No matter how handsome a guy is, if you have a slight build, I will want nothing to do with you. I am not saying that he has to be built like a wall, but he should have some firm muscles in the right place. Then next comes my fetish with hands, he should have well kept hands and also a big lips *wink*.
When I hear some ladies say that they first of all check his clothing and dress sense, I am a bit lost because that is secondary to me. I will look at those things after I am satisfied checking out what I have listed above. Oh and before I forget, I have a thing for dark guys, the fair skinned guys have never been able to attract me

So that is my list of what I look for in a man before I label him sexy. Please drop comments sharing your idea of sexiness.