16 May 2014

Woman finds 12-foot snake slithering into bathtub

KTRK – Houston
Woman finds giant snake in bathroom
A 50-year-old Texas woman who says she is "already afraid of everything" got a huge scare recently when she found a 12-foot python in her bathroom.

Veronica Rodriguez of College Station, Texas, told the Eagle newspaper on Tuesday that she was home alone earlier this month when she heard noises coming from the bathroom.

Initially, Rodriguez thought one of her three pet guinea pigs was making the noises. She opened the bathroom door, flipped on the light and saw the African python slithering into her bathtub.

"As soon as I turned on the light, that's when I saw it," Rodriguez said. "It was crawling into my tub."

Rodriguez called her daughter, who called 911.

"When the officer showed up, he came with a brown paper sack," Rodriguez said. "I told him, 'You're going to need a bigger sack than that.'"

The officer, Tony Gonzales, then called for backup to help remove the unwanted houseguest.

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(The Eagle)
"No one believed me that the snake was that big," Gonzales told the newspaper. "I didn't know what I was going to do with a snake that large."

It took two police officers and an animal control officer to corral the python into a city trash container.

"It was pretty aggressive," Gonzales said. "It definitely didn't want to go into the trash can."

The snake was then transported by animal control to a reptile rescue facility, where it was later reunited with its owner.

Rodriguez believes the snake got in through a back door that she had left open earlier in the day while bathing her guinea pigs.

The guinea pigs, thankfully, were unharmed.

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