25 Apr 2014

Still On Mercy Johnson Vs Chika Ike

Chika Ike replied:  

Let me give you guys some personal info - Before I gained admission, i worked briefly with Desmond Eliot as a marketer. Did a few movies here and there, (nothing serious) so trust me, I know these celebrities on a first name basis. So when I get exclusives, I just don't bring them out of the box, a trusted source disclosed them to me *wink*

So the beef story has an iota of truth,maybe they have sorted their differences, I don't know but they had issues. Moreover, I was the first person to report the news of Mercy Johnson's second pregnancy, yep i was! (Click Here)
So, don't Worry, my gist are authentic. You can take it to the bank! Lol.

BTW guys, I want to apologize for the slow updates and lack of news in the past few days. *sad face* school ish! Been busy with school activities, please bear with me,i don't have lectures tomorrow so expect prompt updates. Meanwhile, feel free to contact,correct and speak with me. Geez! we are in this together, don't be a stranger, I don't bite, lol, with that said, let me see if I can read my books and get some sleep!

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