8 Apr 2014

Avoiding bad mood in the morning with this 7 tips

However, if you stop and think about it all, there is a good chance that you will not even know where to begin with preventing yourself from slipping into a bad mood, but the following seven tips should make life a bit easier.

1. Be Grateful - One key way to remain positive is to just spend some time each day actually being grateful for what you have. It is also worth running over these things in your mind when you realize that you are starting to become upset or agitated. Being grateful for even the smallest of things can help change your state of mind. One other tip here is to look at the seemingly little things about yourself to begin with before being thankful for things in the wider world. This will stop you from then viewing everything as being negative, which can often spiral your mood down.

2. Be Optimistic - If you have a bad temper, it is often due to a degree of frustration within yourself, or a gnawing feeling that all hope has been lost. You will then feel far less optimistic about life in general. So it makes sense that if you turn this around and work on being optimistic about your general situation, then you will be less likely to end up in a bad mood. Being optimistic can also stop you from getting into the habit of complaining about everything, since that is going to do nothing to help your temper, not to mention it may drive others away.

3. Stop Overthinking the Situation - If we go back to this idea of a bad mood often being the result of frustration, it is also important to point out that we can easily ‘think ourselves into a bad mood’ simply by spending far too much mental energy on a given situation. When the mind is overactive, it is capable of conjuring up emotions and feelings that did not exist before, and it is all due to our imagination, and our perceived frustration. Stop overthinking situations, and your levels of irritation will reduce accordingly.

4. Be Kind- One thing you should do every single day is to try your very best to do something kind. The entire idea here is that you will feel good when you do it, and there is the wide belief that if you do something nice, it will often come back to you tenfold. Being kind just has to involve doing something as simple as smiling and saying ‘good morning,’ holding a door open, or just telling somebody that you are thinking about them and hoping that they are OK. Imagine how good you will feel when somebody then asks you in return – and is it even possible then for you to be in a bad mental state?

5. Learn How to Cope in Difficult Situations - Quite often we can end up with a bad temper because we are unable to cope with a certain situation. When we are faced with something new and unfamiliar, it can lead to us becoming stressed, and stress can be a major precursor to feeling grumpy. What this means is that we need to develop our own methods of dealing with stress in order to stop it from developing into something a lot worse. Work on identifying triggers so that you can then create a solution. Find a quiet place in your mind or some kind of action you can do anywhere that can just stop the bad temper from developing. This approach does take practice, but in this practice will pay off greatly, as long as you can accept that there will still be times where you are powerless to avoid stress.

6. Accept That You Need to Forgive and Forget - If a person does something that upsets you, it is always a good idea to forgive and forget wherever possible. Of course this does depend on the situation, because at times it is impossible to forgive. But if it is at all possible, this approach can stop you from developing a bad mood. Allowing yourself to just sit and brood about something is a surefire way of losing your temper, and then more people suffering as a result. Being able to forgive really is a great virtue, and it does show that you are a better person.

7. Take Care of Yourself - Believe it or not, simply taking care of yourself in a physical and spiritual sense does make you less likely to end up losing your temper. It is amazing how exercise can help improve your mental state as it releases chemicals into your brain that naturally make you feel happier. If you feel like a bad mood could develop, it is a great idea to go for a walk, even just for 10 minutes, since this can often result in you cooling off. The same can also be said about your diet, since it is well known that there are certain foods that can make you feel more irritable, while there are others that can make you feel good. Look at your diet and make sure you are getting the correct nutrients, since that can make you less snippy.

These are just seven tips on how you can stop things from putting you into a bad mood – but it is important to remember that nobody is perfect, and you will be powerless to stop it from happening every time. Instead, take on board what you’ve read here and try to apply it the best you can to your life – you may be surprised at the results. Just think of how much better your life will be when you feel more in control of your mood, and those around you no longer have to walk on eggshells for fear of you slipping into a bad ‘mind space.’

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